Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Revolution Slider 5 WordPress Tutorial

Introduction to the Revolution Slider 5 in WordPress

Revolution Slider 5:
Visual Composer Plugin:
Zephyr Theme:

In this video I introduce to you the Revolution Slider 5 for WordPress. I show you how you can create fantastic full width sliders for your wordpress website. The Revolution Slider 5 is very different from previous versions. The features and options available are nearly endless. To understand the basics can be quite confusing. This is why I created this tutorial to explain to you how you can quickly create a beautiful slider for your website.
ThemePunch, the developers of the Slider Revolution did a very good job on this version, although the learning curve is a bit high in the beginning.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions about this tutorial or if you need help with your personal website.

Thank you very much for watching :)

Yours Jonas

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What Is Online Reputation Management by RepWarn?

What Is Online Reputation Management by RepWarn?Online Reputation Management Service with RepWarn is your 24/7 Web monitor.   You can monitor your brands, your products, your people and even your competitors.   Anytime anyone mentions your key words or phrases, even if they are sending an angry tweet about you or posting a review on YELP,  REPWARN will know.   If you KNOW what people are saying, you can deliver the service to make them happy.   Too often though, you simply don’t know until it is too late.


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Essential WordPress Plugins for Small Business

This video was a part of a WordPress bootcamp. Check out this video as I share my 7 best plugins for small businesses using WordPress. The 7 plugins I discuss are:

1. SI Captcha Anti-Spam – This prevents spam from automated bots.
2. Google XML Sitemap – Sitemaps are a way to tell Google about pages on your site we might not otherwise discover.
3. Google Analytics – Enables google analytics on all pages.
4. WP DB Backup – On-demand backup of your WordPress database. The WP DB 5. Backup hasn’t been updated in a while. An alternative is BackWPup and can be found here.
5. Platinum SEO or All in One SEO Pack – Automatically optimize your WordPress blog for Search Engines.
6. WP Super Edit – Get control of the WordPress wysiwyg visual editor and add some functionality with more buttons and custom TinyMCE plugins.
7. Sexy Bookmarks (Now called Shareholics) – Adds an attractive social bookmarking menu and related content widget to your posts, pages, index, or any combination of the three.

Apex Virtual Solutions